Saturday, June 28, 2008

Field Trip

Our photo class took a little trip to the Desert Botanical Gardens...I learned so much, and even though it was three thousand degrees, okay only like 105...I'm glad I got to go and learn even more, here are a few of my favs.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Flippin fun

As we try to move on this busy filled summer all while trying to escape the heat of the city...grr, I guess I never really minded the heat until I had children and am stuck doing indoor things for most of our days...we have been sidelined for a few days.

While this mom has strep for the second time in 4 weeks, really, I think I got the full effect last time... a grumpy little girl is trying to fight a cold and working on some while we are are then mend a feeling a great deal better, we have a little gymnast as our entertainment...

We were watching the U.S. Olympic trials the other night, and Griff was mesmerized by what he was seeing, immediately he began to do somersaults and flip around the living room...then he saw they had tape around their wrist, so yes, he had to have tape as well...(warning...please excuse the mess in the background as I have given up on picking anything up until I have two sleeping kids)

Then he continue to watch and saw that the girls were putting chalk on their hands before they did an even though he said he needed it, we decided to skip that part and work on pretending...he did a good job at that...

Then the best part was he would stand up with his hand in the air then he would come over and give one of us a hug just like the girls hugged their coaches after a routine...this has become part of our daily play!

Monday, June 23, 2008


I have not been here in a while as I am afraid some of my images have been taken off this space, but crisis sister is helping me create a watermark design for permanent use, so until then you will see the pictures as they are...Once upon a time I was a scrapbook queen, but when I was working full time and had the first babe time just didn't allow for it. So this space does that for me in that I can document events and thoughts and images to remember what is going on in our somewhat hectic life. I am happy to say that I have jumped feet first back into scrap booking again of course when I have the time...All that to say I will continue to keep ya'll updated on the happenings just with more caution and hope that my images remain my images. For my friends and family...if there is a picture that you want (watermark free) just leave a comment at the bottom of the post and I will be sure to get you a copy...

These pictures have been screaming to be shared...

I am currently taking a photo class as well so I will be in full force here as I continue to learn and practice...I love this class cause not only am I learning from a great photographer, I get 3 whole hours to myself on Thursday nights...more to come!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lots of Daddy love...

Happy Father's Day!!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Oh, Griffin...

This is one of my favorite pieces that we have in the house. It was a gift from my parents a few years ago and has become our wedding album along with some other pictures of the kids. Griffin never has really played with, but McKenna tries to touch it all the time. It has fallen backwards two times before but never hurt I have thought about finding a new place for it until she looses her fascination with it...Well it is finding a new spot today after last night.

The kids were playing and running circles around the couch, laughing and giggling until...McKenna decided to push this came forwards this time and Griffin happened to break its fall with his head. So after stopping the bleeding we made the decision that he need to have a professional look at it. A sticker, a sucker and two staples in the head later all seems to be going well.

So if you are keeping up with our record at Urgent Cares in the last week...I was in last Thursday for my sinus infection, Tim was in on Monday because he stepped on a rusty nail and needed a tetanus shot and now Griffin...I am knocking on wood as I write this hoping that McKenna keeps herself out of there...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What a trip...

We have made our way back to the heat...I miss the Georgia weather greatly...We did have a great trip and packed it full of fun things for the kiddos...Unfortunately, I got really sick on Wednesday night and spent most of Thursday and Friday in bed after a visit to the local urgent care and getting some much needed antibiotics, but at least there were several sets of hands to help out with the kids so I could sleep...I took so many, many are a few of our adventures...

Playing with Grandma Carroll's boa's...

At the lake up the road making sure to eat the sea shells and pretend to be fishes...

At the Ocean in Charleston...

Meeting a new friend, Noah...

more pics and stories to come