Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Heads in the Clouds...

I have this dream of what my days and life would look like in a "perfect world"...I would wake up, make a loaf of bread so my house would smell so delicious...then I would get the kids up, make a breakfast and more than just oatmeal or toast, walk out back to get in some gardening and pick some fresh veggies for dinner, work on a craft project like scrap booking or sewing a new outfit, play the rest of the morning outside with my babes, after lunch we would go an adventure somewhere so I could take some pictures, then stop by the gym for an awesome workout, followed by some way of giving back to the community, come home to make dinner and hang out and play games after that until bedtime. Of course my house would be spotless the entire time. While I do a majority of these things, I can never find time in a single week to get most of them accomplished.

I dream of this world outside my house, outside of my children, outside the role of mother and wife. I dream of what would happen if what I wanted was on the forefront of my thoughts. So many times, and I know that all moms feel this at some point, I feel as though I have been lost in the shuffle. My husband has a life outside of our house, and has the fortune to experience many wonderful events and opportunities as a perk of his career. My perk, doing dishes 3 times a day and changing diapers...being a little sarcastic here...but knowing that I am so blessed to be able to stay home and raise my children and see all their new discoveries, being able to go and play and do things during the day because I have no 8-5 commitment...but on that same branch of thought, I desperately miss the outside world, the adult interaction, the ways in which I was challenged to perform in a it has been my quest over the last few months or so to find something for me that balances out home life and outside life, something that allows me to grow as an individual but still allows my the opportunity to be a full time mom.

I have been taking photo classes for a couple of months and have really found a passion in looking through the lens and seeing more than just the face on the other end or something I am trying to shoot. When I look through the lens I see the bigger picture, I see beyond the roles of my life and I see a sense of freedom. With the encouragement of my instructor and his more than ego boosting compliments of my assignments, and with the praise I have received here and through my family, I have made the decision to start doing this professionally. I have so much more to learn, so much more to experience, and a great deal more practice. But this is a stepping off point for me. I am going to spend the next few months building my portfolio and taking a couple more classes as I continue to enhance this new craft of mine. The most exciting this is that my husband is all for it even when I told him how much I wanted to spend on equipment...this will not be a speedy thing, it will be a crawl, so while I am crawling along and finding my way through it, if you are local to me and would be willing to let me practice and get some experience I would be so grateful...this may just be something that takes my head out of the clouds and grounds me to a reality...

7 thoughts from you:

Diana said...

ohh sweetie, I sympathise with your feelings. I often feel like I'm being ungrateful for the opportunity to be a stay at home mum, but that said there is that emptiness inside me that being at home with the kids doesn't fill. It doesn't make us bad or ungratful mum's it makes us woman who souls run deep and need to be challeneged!!! I have felt just like you recently and because of that I have just applied to go back to school and get my interior design degree. I'm starting at the beginning of the school year in February!!! So maybe we can chase our other dreams that lie outside motherhood together :O) even though we are very far away under different clouds!!! I love you sweetie and am so proud that you are being brave enough to try something new!!!

Heather said...

Good luck with your new chapter... I am sure you will do wonderful at it, as you do with anything. The support behind you is amazing! If we were in AZ, you could use Presley!!!

jessamyn said...

good for you Sara! Go for it girl. And investing in some new equipment...WOW...I only wish!:)

jessamyn said...

hey...what photoshop are you using now??

Anonymous said...

You'll do great! You have such a God given talent for capturing those moments in time that are so precious and beautiful. Congratulations for seeing your calling as a mother and photographer.
We've all been there in those days where it's just not any fun, but yet we feel so blessed to even be here with our little ones. Your not alone.

Sara said...

Hey Jess, I am using Photoshop Elements 6.0 right day I want to get a mac cause I have heard wonderful things about them for pictures and upgrade, but that is on the crawling road I talked about...I have been meaning to call you and set up a play date or two or three but have been crazy busy, out July is like your June, so I will get on that...:) hugs

Diana said...

Hey sweetie, I thought you would find this website interesting. She is a friend of Angel's and Maggies who is a photographer, but I just LOVE her stuff. Her website is just being updated, but keep an eye on it because her work is really amazing, and kind of reminds me of you!!! Hope you enjoy sweetie.