Friday, May 23, 2008

Heading out

We are on our way for a week long trip to Georgia to visit Tim's family...two kids on a 4 hour plane ride and then a few more hours in the car to make it to our! this will be a first. Griffin has been on a plane, but doesn't really remember, but is so excited to sit at the window and see the clouds. But he told us that he didn't want to go through the clouds because then the birds would not have a place to thoughtful, don't you think?

Most of my day was spent just organizing and planning how to keep these kids occupied and not turn into one of "those" families on a plane full of people. I filled up my ipod with all of Griffin's favorite songs too, anything to help. We have lots of things planned for the week and I can't wait to get some real practice with my camera on the east coast...we will be back with lots of stories, I am sure...

Have a most fantastic week!

Monday, May 12, 2008


This past week with the accumulation of Mother's day, I have been trying to inhale this idea. This idea of motherhood. This was my fourth mother's day, the one year anniversary of becoming a full time mom and a mama of two beautiful treasures.

I can say that on this journey I have most definitely learned more from my children than I think that I have taught them. I have been learning patience, forgiveness, curiosity, imagination, wonder, happiness, joy and love in a way in which I never dreamed.

Parts of me are wondering if I am doing the best job that I can do in this role, knowing that I can do better to enrich their lives and there is always room to grow and learn. Parts of me are screaming to find a part time activity such as a job outside the home to give me a break from the everyday, thinking that giving me that break would make me a better mom, but I don't really want to do that either... so much uncertainty of how this story of mine will play out, but most certain that I am dedicated to writing it...

On a side note, there was a study that was released last week stating what a full time mom would make. This was based on all the roles that a mother plays, provider, care taker, cook, teacher, taxi driver, laundry mat, house cleaner, etc. This study said that a woman in today's market would make $117,000 dollars a year...really, that's it...I know I am worth more than that, and I know so many mothers who are priceless. This study was obviously done by a man without a wife or children...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Those Eyes

Every where we go people stop and tell me how beautiful your eyes are. Just the other day when we were at the grocery store a group of fire fighters stopped us to comment on your eyes. And while they are right in the glorious beauty of those eyes...they don't really get to see them. They don't get to see the excitement that fills your eyes when you learn how to do something new. They don't get to see the love when daddy comes home, or I get you out of your crib in the morning or when Griffin plays with you. They don't get to see the kindness in your eyes when you lean in for a hug or kiss or try to share a treasure you have found. They don't get to see the sleepiness when you reach your arms up to lay your head on my shoulder. They don't get to see the joy when you walk out with a book and we pick you up to read it together. They don't get to see the curiousness in your eyes when you find a new spot in the house to explore. They don't get to see the gentle, loving spirit that pours out of your eyes to the world. We are blessed because we get to see your eyes...

On this day a year ago you gave us a moment of uncertainty when you just weren't ready to come into the world. When the nurses and doctors couldn't regain your heartbeat and your little body went into distress my mind went in so many directions as they wheeled me back to the operating room, and I was counting down the seconds laying on that table with your daddy next to my head, waiting to hear you cry. I knew that it would all be okay, but I couldn't wait to meet you face to face and finally out you came with just a little whimper, and while I had to wait a while to hold you and love you, your daddy got to see you right away and walk with you into the nursery. He told me how beautiful you were. When I got to finally hold you, you looked up at me with those eyes, I had already fallen in love with you before you born, but you took my breath away. While that day, one year ago, left a permanent mark on my my beautiful angel, have left a permanent mark on my heart.

Happy Birthday my love...

Friday, May 2, 2008

The answers...

Now we have gotten back the results from Griff's allergy tests and things that I thought were good for him...just kidding, I was told. Here's the list...peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, shrimp, soy and spinach...he is not technically allergic to dairy but is borderline on the charts, so we are going to begin the process of omitting that from his diet as well. But spinach, really??? We are also in the discussion process of whether or not to omit gluten, not because he is allergic, but there is a great deal of research supporting a healthier, high functioning body without it.

He is doing great with all the supplement and we can see an improvement all ready...we are still having some issues with his behavior...a combination of adjusting to his new way of life and as a friend pointed out, McKenna walking full time may be causing him to act out as he is adjusting to that as well. His naturopath was telling us that kids with allergies and asthma have deficiencies with zinc, vitamin A and C, and that we should increase his protein intake.

We have just been so busy lately with t-ball, play dates, and soaking up as much of the weather as possible before we get into the triple digits...